About Me
I graduated from the University of Kentucky in December of 2018 with degrees in Electrical Engineering
and Mathematics. While at UK, I was able to explore all sorts of interests, from policy work in our Student
Government Association to research in machine learning. My interests are all over the place and I'm constantly
learning more about them.
I've had jobs in iOS and web development in Lexington, Kentucky. I've worked as a mobile application contractor
at Bayer Crop Sciences in St. Louis, Missouri.
Currently, I'm in my first year of a Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon in Electrical Engineering. I'm focusing on speech recognition,
deep learning, and classical pattern recognition. I'm passionate about bringing machine learning into consumer applications,
easing end-user experiences and building ground-breaking tech.
My Skills
Since I've gotten into programming, I can't stop learning new things. This collection might seem sort of
random, it is! This list is constantly evolving, and the ratings I've provided indicate my level of
comfort with each technology.
Each of these technologies have a huge number of subcomponents (e.g., Swift has dozens of foundational
APIs for interacting with things like Bluetooth or GPS). If you're wondering if I'm capable in a particular
part of any of these technologies, reach out!
Machine Learning
Mobile Development
Web Development
Design Prototyping
Keep in Touch
I'm slowly weaning myself off of social media platforms. I'll
be keeping in touch with people primarily through my blog and
an email list I'm compiling. If you'd like semi-regular personal
updates about my life, please join!